
hey guys i am still devloping this game but i need support to make this it gonna be like gta iv grapics or near the same
what is this game about ? its gonna be a freerome game like grand theft auto but its gonna be a graffiti game like getting up but have more options in your tag and more realistic
when will this be finished ? well it all depends in the support i get and the money i rasie to get good software but i am planing in late 2016 or maybe mid 2017 i no it will be a long way away but i am gonna try make this a high grapics game
how can i help ? donating (every cent counts), sending in images of places like your house that might sound werid but if you would like your house to be in my game why not , graffiti, YOUR OWN COMPANY LOGOS , and ideas
to contact me my email is [email protected]
to donate send money to [email protected] from paypal/bank account site
rewards for donating : get put in the credits in the game, get put in the donator leader boards