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Im gonna be real with you, I have no idea where this is going LMAO, IM MAKIN A GAME AND ITS HAPPENING. I'll work on my other game plans some other time.

#rpg #adventure #other

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Comical Shenanigans

Oh yeah and im finally adding more than 4 feckin rooms! And not messing up the doors!! I always switch the positions between the doors and then you get a door that just spits you out an inch away from where you just walked in lmao

So I finally got around to making placeholders for things like benches, chairs, tables, posters, decorations and previously stated train. I also made a new floor for the b o n e m o a t area. I also attempted to make an icon for the shortcut. That failed.

Finally getting around to some more concept art of some stuffs! When I start implementing the pixel art and where things lead ill actually have a legit start to the game!

PS: Theres gonna be a bone train >:)))

Heya! made a few more player sprites! I'm still working on making the frames for the animation but for now you get to see the front sprites of a few characters that may or may not be included! Also enjoy some inventory panels with pizza on them!

Just putting this out there, I'm looking fervently for someone who is willing to create music for my game!

Heya! Just made a ton more rooms! I'm making some sprites to occupy said rooms and maybe even a someone to interact with B)

I'm really just moving this into this stage of development because i have a lot in the game thats about to be finished and working. Rn theres only access to the starting room. Enjoy the screaming signs!

Oh yeah, this is also made using Heart Beast's youtube tutorials so if you see his sprites in there, no worries, theyll be replaced shortly! I already have many sprites in the making anyways.

I am also, once again, altering the concept of the game since I havent made much for it story wise owo""

Working on the game again! Been caught up in work but i've completely redesigned the starting rooms and the very obvious tutorial!