
Comments (22)

What do you think?

Spritework is really good, the overworld looks so pretty, papyrus' sprite is so uncanny and the phase 2 transition animation is really nice
Music is aweosme as to be expected
Sound design is really good too
The battle itself is crafted really well, it's not too hard but really satisfying, and is generally fair
This fucks
All hail SWAPFELL - Desolation Papyrus

the game is pretty good and not even that hard, the hitbox is very VERY fair and small, the music is a banger, the dialogues are really good (you should consider making more or a full-length game) and all in all, 10/10 game

what's with people making swapfell fangames this year if swapfell i hate you demo releases this year we're gonna have 3

i mean i'm not complaining swapfell is cool as shit

took me a decent few hours to beat this, but im very happy to have done so

very good game, even better that it's pacifist

9/10, only taking one point because i didnt know about this sooner and that makes me super M.A.D.

I managed to get a NoHit while sneaking (holding Shift) the whole fight!

(also here's the normal NoHit in case anyone's interested)

Game Soundtrack

2 songs

Menu theme -

Credits theme -

Step into the heart of the Swapfell AU, where everything you know has been twisted in dark and unexpected ways! In this Pacifist Papyrus fight, you won't be relying on brute force—this is a battle of wits, timing, and empathy. Papyrus, ever the passionate warrior with a sense of duty, stands before you. However, violence isn't the answer. The challenge here is to navigate his intense attacks while finding ways to defuse the situation without fighting.

Expect a unique twist on traditional Undertale mechanics, with fresh dialogue, heart-pounding dodging sequences, and emotional decision-making. Can you break through Papyrus' hardened exterior and show him the value of mercy, or will you falter under his determined strikes?

With custom art, original music, and a gripping narrative, this fight will test your resolve. Remember, in Swapfell, nothing is as it seems—prepare to face Papyrus in a way you never imagined!

And an AI generated description.

#fangame #undertale #action #adventure #rpg #retro #other #hehitsliminalbuddy

Cartoon Violence
Realistic Violence
Drug Reference
Tobacco Use
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

I just wanted to say, if this game is too hard for you you should stop playing undertale games.

The image shows an actual valid position you can be at and still not be hit. The first no-hit was released within the first 3 hours of it being released.

Soundtrack now on Gamejolt and Youtube.

Update released. (V 0.1.5)

Bug fixes, new dialogue options from papyrus, new pray act, attack nerfs.

OST video soon. (All songs not made by me are on the game page in the media category or description.)

There might be some changes i make today. But just small stuff, like being able to access the credits from the main menu

Edit: never trust beta testers, just release a game then wait for issues to pop up.

Pray functionality soon