Comments (9)
I downloaded the file and it was just the application, where are the rest of the files?
Okay, so this might come of as harsh but please understand that with this i don't say this to personally attack you.
With that covered, lets talk about the design:
The design does look... fine, but it obviously doesnt look exactly "finished", nor does it look "good."
To put it in slightly less hurtful words:
It looks like it was made in Purple MASH or MS paint.
(if you didnt know what purple mash was, its this:

it was made for some kids to use when they're like, 5-12)
The dinosaurs themselves dont look amazing, but i don't hate them either.
Gameplay wise:
It looks alright from the screenshots..
but... it literally doesnt run, it's rendering process fails the second it starts, saw other people having the same issues.
Did loads of tests in the actual files itself and found some pretty odd files.

Random "PNG" or jpg files with a buch of random letters, also found some weird files with pretty odd names.

The "Mus_VASGORE" file is a music file, used in games like UNDERTALE and DELTARUNE..
so, buddy.
Why'd ya steal so many files?
Y'know its funny, your little game asked if it could run in ADMINISTRATOR mode.
Considering it had so many stolen files in there, i do wonder what that thing would've done.

Wanna know what that options file had in it?
which is the exact same options as, you guessed it, Deltarunes and undertales.
I honestly wouldnt of cared if your game actually ran.
(Btw, if you dont get rid of those files your game wont work, Undertale files are really tricky to steal.)

He intentado abrir el juego y después de la pantalla de carga, me encuentro con esto, avisa cuando haya sido solucionado de paso tmb a poder ser
fun fact Jurassic Park started as a book
Jurassic Park: Isla Nublar
Youre an investigator from InGen looking for the lost DNA left after the events that occured in that one storm of Isla Nublar. You head to the island in look of them, but it wont be that easy, those things.....they arent Dinosaurs, they are MONSTERS, hibrid genetic monsters. Dont let them catch you!
Hi there, this will be an GameJot exclusive game made by me. It is based off one of my childhood movie sagas, Jurassic Park by Stephen Speilberg and Universal Studios. This game occurs some time after the first movie, it might be one of my best projects yet, Have Fun!