Game Community
Alem's fangames and other stupid stuff
12 Members

Comments (19)

What do you think?

I wanna make a fangame of this

how do i see code

I can make music.

bro its like scratch doesn't want you to finish this game

Jamie's was a very popular restaurant on the 2000's but on 2003 an incident occurred and the place shut down. 2 years later on 2005, the place still exists and it is being remodeled by the owners that won't let it go. You are the place's new security guard that will keep it from vandals during nightime before the place's opening. But as time passes you realise that something sinister is going on in here, and youre the only one who can figure it out. What could go Wrong?

#fangame #horror #fnaf

Mild Cartoon Violence
Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore

Both called Jamie. Jamie officially has a cousin. (GET THE NORTIC MIND OUT OF MY HEAAAAAD)

Hopps has a Colombian uncle. OH MA GAAAD

Ok, im gonna make up 2 more characters cuz I feel like 3 isn't enough atleast for my "new" plans for the game. The game will change a lot. Including gameplay and stuff like that.

Zach has clothes!!! But he looks like some sort of 15 yr old emo kid. Anywyas, more teeth!!!! And he's taller than Jamie xddddd.

The lost models were def better, but I think I can handle with this ones. I made Jamie short cuz I want to and I can. I took off Hopp's star cuz I didn't like it and chanded he's gender. You might notice that they look a bit friendly......

I lost all of the game's progress in the recent ban my main account recieved.

I guess thats it, im sorry.