
Friday Night Funkin: Playable Bambtasm

Da Description
A playable and remsatered version of the first FNF cover I ever made. Yes, I am a Dave and Bambi fan that can only make png spritesheets, how could you tell?

Da Credits
Bambtasm: Me
Sprites: Google Images
Apologies: To anyone I may have accidentally stole fan art off of, blame Google, not me.
Bambi and Expunged: MoldyGH
FLP: Technically I just slammed the instrumental into FL Studio but the vocals in said FLP were by Zpike FNF on Youtube.
Original Chaos Nightmare Mod: EverythingGarbo, Jayythunder, ItoSaihara and Biddle3. There were more but I can't be bothered to type them out, just check the Gamebanana page:
Chaos Nightmare - Sonic Vs. Fleetway [Friday Night Funkin'] [Mods] (gamebanana.com)
Anything Else I May Be Forgetting: Anyone Else Who I May Have Forgotten, you know who you are.
Tags: These guys!