
Comments (5)

What do you think?


This game was really fun to play and record. Thanks for making it!

good pixel art

This is really fun and addicting! Would be fun with a scoreboard also :)

Name Your Price

JollyJailJumper - [JJJ]

Version: 2.1.0almost 9 years ago
			JollyJailJumper- [JJJ]:
Our entry for Ludum Dare 34 
Theme: Two button controlls

Take control of Piotr "Sixfinger" Peter, an innocent inmate who tries
to flee punishment by continuosly changing clothes during prison riot.

Buttons in use:
-Jump  --> Spacebar (A or left trigger on Gamepad)
-Switch  --> Tabulator (B or right trigger on Gamepad)

Janosch - Code
Rage, LaLottey & LeDuz - Graphics+Animation
PopePAFF - LevelDesign
Bongo Mongo & Dark D - Sound

Post-Mortem (Post-Jam):

Based on your (very much appreciated) feedback,
we decided to change a few things and
give the game a little bit more finetuning.

We made the first levels a bit more easy to play
but the Game is still very hard for some people.
We really like the difficulty, all levels are doable
if you put some time in them and we think they are worth the effort.

Good luck and have fun. :)

-The movespeed is now 10% slower

-We added a settings menu where you can
adjust the screensize.

-You can now change clothes inside a door

-A few levels now are a bit more easy
to play and we slightly adjusted the learning curve.

-For the hardcore players we added some bonus levels.
(You have to look closely after you reached the last level
To unlock those extra levels.)

-Inmates and wardens now cant walk thru doors
-you nomore can glitch out of the map
-You can play the game in different screensizes


Mild Cartoon Violence
Tobacco Reference
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