
Comments (5)

What do you think?

Alright, After playing some more with this game, I have been able to make it to the 3rd room now. But it still needs... something. The movement is still wonky and the game is bland. You should add power ups, that could do it. Also, make it so we can use wasd instead of arrow keys. It is a lot easier that way.

Okay, After playing this about 20 times I am now ready to rate this. I would like to address some of the many problems that make this game EXTREMELY difficult.

1: The aliens can move all directions, but we can only move for, why is this a problem? Because it makes it very, very hard to aim.

2: The aliens can spawn anywhere. I'm fine with them being unpredictable, But I was killed countless times by aliens spawning right on top of me or beside me. This would be good, if the room was larger or there were muliple to move around from, which leads me to my next point.

3: The room is WAY too small, once you get about 15 seconds in it begins to be a problem, if you even make it that far. Aliens will over run and you will have no where to run, because like I said, the aliens can move all directions.

I understand you might be a beginner, I would not be able to do much better, but see what you can do. Don't stop trying.

2nd play ;)

11/3 would play again


Just Another Day in Space

Version: 2.0.0almost 9 years ago

Updated Game Fixes
• Okay this is just like a demo
• Now can be played without downloading
• Complete game change
• Super Graphics Upgrade (Still Bad)
• Quit Button
• No music :/ (for now)
• Movement is way smoother
• Controls change (Click-n-shoot with mouse)
• Updated logo
• Bad Level Design
• Thinking of making the game with a little story to expand the universe then making more games (next game might be a fps to be a lot better)
• Also I know that if you pause the enemies still move

Game Info:
The year is 2510 and Sergeant Keith is a solider that patrols planets near Earth 12. It was just another patrol like any other day and Keith passes by the planet known as XK-209, which is inhabited by the peaceful alien race know as the Karthen. When all of a sudden you are shot down by this "peaceful" race. As Keith is getting pulled in by the gravity of the planet, all he can think of is that “if they want a fight you will bring the fight”. Just as Keith reaches for his radio, to contact command and order some strikes, he crashes onto the planet. When Keith wakes up he is surrounded by the alien race and his ship is gone. So he must blast his way to find his ship, which should auto repair and be done by the time he gets there.

<WASD> Movement
<Mouse> To Fire
<F4> Full Screen


Elijah Blevins

Elijah Blevins

Special Thanks
Nate Cameron

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence

New Update Out!

Okay so the new update is out! And oh man, is it an game update. The older version seemed too kiddy like. Idk. But this is still in the demo version and there are bugs I know of and some I need help being pointed out.

GameMaker Problems