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spoilers ahead:

this is a story that focuses on that mockey earthbound sprite from sr pelo, it is a story that is a prequel but takes place in a different dimension. mockey is stuck in a world of earthbound, except this time he must get the 4 children, refuse to destroy them, join santa, jesus and ninten, therefore they must battle pete, at the end pete's body will corrupt making all the summon mockeys form into pete's body making his flesh demolish. after this you (mockey / player) are/sent to the beggining with time travel (from the dimension rift) but accidently meets the 2 timelines that transfer mockey's original body to the episode: no more christmas, where mockey is an earthbound sprite due tobeing in the world of earthbound, do you remember hen mommie fell down he well, well she landed into the world of undertale, what makes you meet mommie there, it is a little confusing so here is a small summary:

Mockey was sent to the dimension rift to stop pete, after that mockey goes to fight mommie after she falls down the well, because the well leads to the undertale last corridor, which is in the dimension rift, no undertale character is there because this takes place during genocide, after mommie is defeated, mockey kills pete and his corrupt blood thirsty body, this takes mockey to the universe he wants to go, but fails because the timeline of no more Christmas was opened by the watch causing mockey to turn into an earthbound character and become earthbound mockey, after mockey leaves, pete goes back in time, takes over a normal him from the past, comes backs, and shoots the mockey from no more Christmas, and that is the cross of the game’s dimension and the sr pelo dimnsion, so this game is just basically a theory about why mommie came back after falling down a well, how the earthbound mockey was a normal looking mocky but then became pixelated from the timeline traveling and why pete shot mockey at the near end!

Crass Humor
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