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Game Soundtrack

1 song

Go Tell Aunt Rhody (Main Theme)

Plot: Four years after the series finale, Jacob Skylark is a new intern for Davenport Industries. Your employer, Donald Davenport, sends you to Texas to investigate something that might have to do something with the all powerful Arcturion space rock. Traveling to a mansion deep a mysterious jungle, Jacob must find the Arcturion space rock and face his greatest fear… the horrors of what resides in the jungles and the mansion.

This game takes inspiration from Resident Evil 7 and is a fan-made game. Whether this game is canon or non-canon to the series is to be decided by the creators of Lab Rats and Lab Rats: Elite Force. This game is also in hopes to have Lab Rats: Elite Force renewed for a second season.

There is currently no release date on this game.

Realistic Bloodshed
Crass Humor
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