Comments (87)
NOW THIS IS A GAME WORTH SLAPPING BOOTIES IN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ujHZlBVxts
"So the space pod is over there, but i'm gonna be an idiot n go over here.....has stroke
This is pretty cool! I made a game about Markiplier too! Hoping he'll play it sometime.
This was a lot more fun to play than I expected. I would love to play more of your games!
So I'm going to be honest about this.. before playing i thought this wasn't going to be scary at all.. after all it's just a short fan-made game about Markiplier.. what could possible go wrong?!?! EVERYTHING as it would seem!
I don't know if it's just me.. but i found this game extremely scary with them mannequins! I have never jump so many times in a 10 minute period in my life.. so props to the you Rickk! Will definitely be giving Slender-Space a go now!
Oh, and here's a playthrough of my experience
Markiplier Trapped in Ricks Game
Markiplier Trapped in Ricks Game Public Version
Please download game for best experence.
This here is a little game I quickly made in honnor of Markiplier. Based in the same world as Slender Space. Not much to really say but I do plan on making more of these since they don't take to long to make...not to mention its fun :D