Comments (2)
Normally, I would appreciate a fangame made to me about me and my characters, but there are several issues I have with this.
1 - I can see from several portraits and victory screens in the game that you have traced over other people's original artwork, mine included. This is greatly looked down upon in the art community. If you wanna make a drawing, make your own, don't trace over other people's hard work.
2 - I've started to move away from my TF2/GMod stuff. Thus, characters like Bearded Caribbean and Killing Mann hold no more significance to me. If you replaced them with other original characters, that would be appreciated.
3 - Cheatso is not my character anymore. I've transferred ownership of the character to someone else, and that someone is not happy about having their character in this game.
4 - Against my wishes, that I have already told you about several times over and over, you continued to decrypt my games and steal their files without permission. This can be seen from Deeman's sprites, which are straight up ripped off from my games, and the audio files of my characters, which there is no other way to access other than decrypting the games. I am very disappointed that you continued to do this, despite me telling you in the past that I did not want this.
Long time ago, Andrew has been planning on capturing most of civilians and turning them into robots using Robot-Matic 3000. Months later, he went out to capture most of civilians in capsules. To make matters worse, Andrew will take their life forces and give them to the Phantasm Stone to bring back Day. Meanwhile, Alice Oliveria, Alice and others found out that Big City and Unspecified City are almost empty, most likely almost every civilians are captured by Andrew. To save the world once and for all before it's too late, MeeMFromHH heroes and Phantasm Dyad heroines must stop Andrew from taking over the world. That's how the story begins, MeeMFromHH heroes and Phantasm Dyad heroines will now unfold.