Comments (7)
Damn this is sick! I tried working with the GBA on a mod once but it was pretty confusing for me. I stuck to the GB, but I hope this games goes well! You seem to know what you are doing so keep up the good work!
The most recent alpha builds. Use these files to patch Pokemon Emerald in order to play on an emulator!
Game Soundtrack
The End of Fazbear Frights ~ Burnt to a Crisp
Minigame Investigator is a Game Boy Advance experience based on the FNaF game series.
In the final build of this game, you take the shoes of someone that will investigate the happenings in Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, by meeting people related to the incidents, and finding and playing recreations of the original FNaF minigames inside a Game Boy Advance, your phone or your computer!
Since it is a rom hack for Pokemon Emerald, you will need to have:
A GBA emulator (we recommend MyBoy! for android and mGBA for Windows; not necessary if you have an actual GBA)
A digital copy of the Pokemon Emerald ROM (we cannot provide information on how to get it; just search for it, and you'll find it)
The patch (.ups) file we provide
NUPS (only necessary on Windows; android can bypass this)
For Windows users, follow this tutorial. For andorid users, follow this one.
Upon exiting Brendan's room, you will be sent to Miles' room; this is a laboratory with warps to all the most important locations in the game
Meet Miles, one of the developers for the game, for insight on how development is going!
Enter an animatronic viewing room, where you can see all the characters added
Enter warps that lead to minigames or parts of the story regarding the game
Currently, only the FNaF 3 end-of-night minigames are available
Added the FNaF 3 end-of-night minigames
Added the FNaF 1 pizzeria
Added Shadow Freddy
Fixed errors with Shadow Freddy
Added the Safe Room
Added Purple Man's death sequence
Added doors that lead the player to different nights/phases of the minigames
This is still a work in progress, so a lot of things still need to be cleaned up and patched out. This game was developed as a rom hack for Pokemon Emerald. However, in the final build, the player will not be able to see any content from that.
Emulating games is not illegal. Distributing them without consent of the publisher, however, is. This means that you can emulate games from the GBA era without any problems, but you can't legally distribute them and put them in a site.
Emulate at your own risk (though realistically nothing will happen to you if you do).
Pokemon Emerald is licenced by Nintendo, Game Freak annd the Pokémon Company
The characters and events are based off of Scott Cawthon's Five Nights at Freddy's
Minigame Investigator by Elite Games
Jackie JK - Programmer, writer and director
Brine - Sound director, play tester
SNAP - Art director
Miles - Resources Manager, Social Manager
Hope - Play Tester, writer
other people will be credited as we implement their help
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed