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Mordım DLC is a project that I started to look at in 2013 then get canceled.

The game is going to have 4 episodes.

The game uses Unity HDRP.

There will be things such as:

  • 4 episodes (like in terms of themes,not like levels)

  • survival-horror gameplay

  • firstperson shooter

  • subtitles (aka no voice acting)

  • Official soundtrack

If it all goes well,there will be more than 6 games that actully connected together

#horror #other #dlc #mordim #survivalhorror #fps #unity #firstpersonshooter


Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Here is a face reveal of the Satan from ALL OF THE EXOFES GAMES UNİVERSE

(yes he is not red , because satan is a gin [yes this is a real fact ] and gins are made from fire as humans are made from soil,the purple cracks in his stony[obasidian] face is fire

Yondy but pixel(I done this one real quick)

Lol Im bored again so take this character named Nuri from Mordım (yes just mordım not dlc)

And this is Dielc but with more rendered style

Introducing:Mordım and without hat version(normaly he wears hat)

Ok now i noticed that you cant see the soundrtacks from gamejolt mobile app,if you want too listen them than you should come here from pc or simply google.

Added 3 soundtracks to the game page!

(Best with headphones)

Well welll well,

While im in map engine stuf,I done a pixel art for you


Dielc(not the animatronic one) aka snowman virus,true form

(There are polls that you can ask question)

  1 vote Voting finished

welcome to the fireside of no point(questions for DLC)

(Idk if anyone will join)

Game description updated!(mainly the story part so now it shows your story)