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Mordım DLC is a project that I started to look at in 2013 then get canceled.

The game is going to have 4 episodes.

The game uses Unity HDRP.

There will be things such as:

  • 4 episodes (like in terms of themes,not like levels)

  • survival-horror gameplay

  • firstperson shooter

  • subtitles (aka no voice acting)

  • Official soundtrack

If it all goes well,there will be more than 6 games that actully connected together

#horror #other #dlc #mordim #survivalhorror #fps #unity #firstpersonshooter


Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed

How to survive:

A night Demo is OUT NOW

Should I upload a quick demo of the fnaf like part of the Mordım DLC?

(Reply Y E S if you want a demo for the fnaf like part)

the first one is Exofes

the seccond one is what a X (time and space unknown) look like(the seccond one's background has nothing to do with,I just wanted you to know that they are not in the same place,and the nuri ones white place is not same as this one


yeah that issue...(allso the video hasnt got any sound and no textures from Mordım DLC [this is a fast ,I mean realy fast made showcase demo lol)

(the quality is bad because I wanted the video to upload realy fast[my laptop is 16:9])

Tomorrow I will do Exofes pixel art(not a logo)and than i will try to contune on mordım dlc(I will give you 2 options about it tomorrow /the game develop im talking about/ )and take this useless meme

-have a great day

Exofes games

a more fixed satan

behind the seens take it or leave it

I shouldnt removed the "parts" of Dielc

İm going to somewhere that has no wifi so i would not be able to upload for some time like a week and no wifi means,i cant contune to learn grid maping so this is like an umm vacation

Have a good day :)