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Classic 24F Tower of the sorcerer(魔塔) remake

Mota is a classic strategy role-playing game where players face the challenge of ascending a multi-leveled tower brimming with monsters, puzzles, and treasures. The player’s goal is to rescue the princess trapped at the top of the tower, engaging in battles with various creatures and collecting keys to unlock the doors leading to higher levels.

The original Mota, also known as “魔法の塔” in Japanese, was the world’s first Magic Tower game, released on December 23, 1996. It established the fixed-value strategy gameplay that set the standard for the genre and became a beloved classic. The English version, titled “Tower of the Sorcerer”, was later translated and ported to Windows 95.

This game is a remastered version of the Fat Rat Studio’s 24-level Mota v1.1.2, The game retains the original values and progression, but modifications have been made to the controls, UI, and combat presentation according to my own ideas. The control feel has been optimized, and some dialogues have been revised.


魔塔 是一款经典的策略角色扮演游戏,玩家的挑战是攀登一个多层的塔,塔内充满了怪物、谜题和宝藏。玩家的目标是救出被困在塔顶的公主,一路上与各种生物战斗,并收集钥匙来解锁通往上层的门。

原版魔塔,也称为日文的 “魔法の塔”,是世界上第一款魔塔游戏,于1996年12月23日发布。它以其固定值策略游戏玩法为该类型游戏设定了标准,并成为了深受喜爱的经典。



#fangame #adventure #rpg #retro #strategy

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