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A corpse party inspired RPGmaker horror game with an all new story, setting and cast. Fully voice acted (in English ) and FREE. What more do you need in your life? Well, quite a lot I'm sure, food, water, but seriously now. This game has got a cast of over 13 playable characters, with 7 other extras and counting.

A group of school friends sit down to watch movies all night at their school at a charity moviethon. The night goes on as planned until an unusual power cut late at night. One of the two teachers in charge receive quite a shock when returning to find their pupils dead and the rest of the evening is spent in a frantic fight for survival, uncovering past events of the school, but it seems this moviethon wasn't accidental at all. Somebody planned this moviethon for the purpose of putting these people in danger. But why? who? Somebody with good intentions, or bad intentions? You'll have to play for yourself and find out! (Unfair cliffhanger is unfair)

Intense Cartoon Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Mild Language
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