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Work in Progress game by Embex Studios and partners. To be released at any point after 2021. #adventure #rpg #retro

This game puts a twist on the RPG formula with a new game series. You and a best friend together conquer nations on the to-be-named continent but your progress is halted when your former ally turns on you and topples you from power!

of Embex Studios :







partners :




potential partners :


-hk guy


Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Crass Humor

Devlog 004 - 14th May 2019
The Dictator (villain) has been given their final design. They will use a huge robot during the boss battles. Actual person is a rich kid coward and won't be revealed in game until the ending.

Daily Posts 008
The website is ready to go live. Go there for updates: ! We also have a youtube channel:

More updates will be posted soon

Daily Posts 007
Embex Studios now has a logo thanks to vardan and maciospy! we are also in the process of setting up a youtube channel to upload updates, concept art and trailers as well as a website which will have loads of updates, videos and more

Daily Posts 006
Okay so we now have a twitter where we will also post updates. Sorry for missing the Friday and Saturday, personal life stuff. Embex Studios logo is being made and we are working on all 11 of the main characters!

Devlog 003 - 9th May 2019
-The entire current project (not a lot of work so it's fine) has been scrapped in favour of better textures and better scripts in Unity.
-The game has been confirmed to run with 16x16 sprites

Daily Posts 5
You will be able to customise your player character (but not a lot with the current plan). Gender and maybe a few hairstyles and clothes at the start of the game but I doubt any more features will be added beyond that.

Daily Posts 4
I missed Wednesday so they'll be two today. Each playable character will (at the moment) each have 2 abilities. One attacking ability (usable in battle) and one special ability (used in the overworld). More information coming soon

Daily Posts 3
Welcome vardan to the team of people working on the game. More Info on the game will be released over time like character designs, concept art, maps, enemies, abilities, etc over time to build up to the first playable build

Devlog 002
We have added a movement script allowing the player to move on top of a grass field in Unity. Pretty cool eh

Daily Posts 002
-There will be an opening cut scene depicting the backstory of the game. It will show the dictator coming to power and taking over the world.
-Each playable character will have a unique ability used to get past certain areas in the game.