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Night Time Terrors V.1.1
V1.1 A working playable version.
Night Time: Terrors
V.1.0 Earliest Playable Version.
Warning: This game contains jumpscares and overall spookiness.
When you see the red creature following your sight, shine the monster with your flashlight.
If you were to ever see the tentacles under your bed, flash it so that it will think you are dead.
If something starts crawling from the closet, lure it away with shining your light on an object.
Basically, put your light on the red thing that follows your sight peeping from the foot of the bed, don't accumulate too many tentacles by flashing your flashlight on them to make them think your not there, and lure the monster in the closet away by pointing your flashlight away from it/ at another object.
Enjoy playing my little game! #horror #pointnclick
Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence