
Comments (23)

What do you think?

This is almost a Nightmare Fuel, but it looks good.

Just a question, why are the banana splits in the game. Dont they belong to hanna barbera? Or is it cause of the movie

I Can't wait to see How Each Animatronic Functions; And Find out HOW Scott will Defend himself from them in This game!!



Game Soundtrack

4 songs


After the crude rejection of their productions by the public and mainly the fnaf fandom, the creators of; The banana splits movie, The Hug and Wally's Wonderland, full of anger, decide to do something to fix it, so they kidnap Scott Cawthon, because they think it is his fault that his films had a terrible reception. Now Scott is trapped in a real recreation of the pizzerias of his games, where instead of the classic characters, there are the terrifying characters of those kidnappers, Scott must survive the horrible beasts and at the same time he has to find a way to escape from that twisted version of his own game.


Después del crudo rechazo sobre sus producciones por parte del público y principalmente el fandom de fnaf, los creadores de; The banana splits movie, The hug y wally’s wonderland llenos de cólera deciden tomar cartas en el asunto y secuestran a Scott cawthon, pues consideran que por su culpa sus filmes tuvieron un pésimo recibimiento. Ahora Scott esta atrapado en una recreación real de la pizzería de su juego, donde en lugar de los clásicos personajes están los escalofriantes personajes de aquellos que le secuestraron, Scott debe sobrevivir a las bestias y al mismo tiempo buscar una forma de escapar de aquella versión retorcida de su propio juego


Coming soon...


Director: @Alex_Afton
Story: @Alex_Afton

Soundtrack:  @Takase @Alex_Afton

Programmer: @zcesarrr @Marco_Antonio
Sketches: @Alex_Afton @NewVix
Modelers: @MetalGamer @sanfaxrx @Marco_Antonio @InFox300_YT1231
Voice Actors: @Tariacuri @Alex_Afton

#fangame #horror #fnaf #pointnclick #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf

Intense Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Simulated Gambling

And welcome to hell!

Follow the game:

Tito Tortule

Made by: @sanfaxrx