Comments (1)
The game reminds me a Stratego and I love that there is a similar version to that since that is a super old board game. I would recommend making different maps or scenarios that the player has to overcome. Otherwise, the style is nice and there is a lot of foresight involved to beat the AI.
No.6 is a board game the purpose of which is to get the opponents diamond.
The game consists of two stages.
Stage 1: set the units on the battlefield (manually or automatically)
hide your diamond and electronic traps, remember that during the battle you can not move them!
set other units,
Stage 2: fight
for moving just drag your units on the nearest area,
you can attack enemy by dragging your unit on enemy area
in fights win units with greater digit, e.g. the unit no.4 wins with the unit no.2,
there is one exception, no.1 can beat no.6 . Try to use it!
get it on GooglePlay: