
Comments (517)

What do you think?

Using cheat engine I could take the Private Key from memory by searching. I know it would take a long time to search for the key if you didn't know what you were looking for, but it is still possible which could be dangerous if you use the API to store important data.

Just a note for devs trying to store huge data in the cloud. (Apparently I accidentally found this out when I made a bug in Pokemon 3D backup save feature - this was removed afterwards when I left the dev team anyway.)

The GameJolt POST request has a limit of 1 MB per api call. (It isn't documented anywhere... If you have a huge data to store in the cloud, you will need to do it in multiple sessions by splitting your data to meet the 1 MB limit or lower and use DataStore Update method to append the data.

Each key can hold up to around 16 MB, you will need to fiddle around to get it to work.

Hope this helps if you are having problems storing huge data in the cloud but the api doesn't let you do it.

meow just meow

Thanks for the amazing help! I didn't started using yet, but will very soon. I know it's not much, but my wallet is almost empty, but hope that the donation help you out. Cheers mate.

Hey I would like to report small issue about this API. It seems like GameJolt changed a little how it handles API calls as they don't allow MD5 hash being generated with an extra / character at the end. As it was reporting that the "Signature was invalid"
Example: It doesn't accept it instead expect (notice lack of / character after the tables). So basically a quick fix to the problem is to change Constants.cs and remove the / character in every API_XXX string except the API_ROOT so the call will not end with /
It actually took me a while to figure out what's going on and why the plugin just stopped working one day. Cheers!

Game Jolt Game API wrapper for Unity. Effortlessly add trophies, leaderboards and more to your Unity game!

Works for Unity 5.5.0 and above with either C# and Javascript.
For Unity 5.0 to 5.4 you can still use an older release (v2.4.0).

Quick Access:


Update 2.5.8

This new release adds support for automatic login when a game is downloaded via the GameJolt App.

As always, the package is already available here and on github. The version from the Unity Asset Store will be available in a few days.


Update 2.5.7
Hello everyone! I've just uploaded a new version containing two small bugfixes. You can directly get it here or on github, the Unity Store will follow soon, but as usual the Unity Team first has to approve it.


Update 2.5.6

Hello everyone! This is just a little bugfix release, which just fixes a single bug. Formerly the API threw a NullReferenceException when you access the GameJoltUI from within the AutoSignIn callback. This is fixed now.

Happy Game Developing


Update 2.5.5

Update 2.5.4