
Comments (3)

What do you think?

1.Run Squidward is killer

2.Run is Squidward running Exit

3.Find Pretmet Hammer Key

This game changed my life. I was once but a dull, stupid sloth, shambling through the meaningless voids of the mortal world. This game delivered me from that fate, opening up to me new horizons of intellect and emotion. Presenting to me the infinities not of desolation, but of possibility. Such a masterful work of art and expression has never been created before, and indeed, it will never be created again. The sheer effort and creativity put into this experience are beyond supernatural, and it baffles me that any mortal being could ever conjure so rich and fulfilling an adventure. We brandish the creations of others with titles and awards, with stars and hearts... but to apply any such system to this reality would be to disrespect it an eternity over. I call it a reality, for to call it a "game" or "experience" is to compress it into such hollow words, and our languages do not even begin to fathom the beauty of COTSTSTS. And indeed, I simply cannot express through a meagre review the true feelings evoked by this masterpiece. To label them as "joy," or "peace," or any such emotion is impossible. My nuts are drenched. No, beyond drenched. And my eyes are opened, I see as never before. I cannot express the gratitude and fulfillment I now feel to the creator in these words, but know that it is felt. I see now why it is called "survival horror," for what we think to be life and survival is but a fraction of the true potential of existence. I now truly survive, as no other mortal has ever survived. So join me, dear reader. Join me in this plain of existence beyond anything imaginable.



Version: 1.0.0almost 3 years ago
nut drenching survival horror

this game technically includes loud noises and jumpscares

tutorial: click on the scaries to survive the scaries

i made this to introduce myself to clickteam

this game is not meant to be taken seriously

game by taykiraro

"ghost story" - kevin macleod

"the chase" - rachel f. williams

"competition results" - sonic the hedgehog 3 original soundtrack

"adrenaline" - call of duty black ops 2 ost

i love sand sunday


#horror #shooter #other #sandsunday

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence

GAMER GUIDE: How to get a double kill in COTSTSTS

Hey guys... so if you were wondering, the full title of this game is Click On The Scaries To Survive The Scaries... look at the first letter of each word. Is your mind blown yet...? Stay safe...

Thank you for 1 Trillion Followers on COTSTSTS ⭐⭐⭐

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