My final project for my computer graphics class. You play as a 3D ship that can blast red enemy ships in an endless arcade fashion on an infinite plane. The ships also follow a BOID-like pattern while also pursuing the player. The game was made with PROCESSING and is also one of the first 3D projects I've ever finished, weirdly enough. I hope you give it a try!
AWSD - Move
SPACE - Jump
LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON - Primary fire
RIGHT_MOUSE_BUTTON - Alternate fire
R - Play/Restart
ESC - Quit
ARROW_KEYS - Adjust mouse sensitivity
* If you're on WINDOWS, there's two versions you could download: one with JAVA installed and one without. The one with JAVA is a much larger file size (150ish mb) than the one without (5 mb) but guarantees it'll run. If you already have JAVA installed on your computer you can go with the no JAVA version. If you're unsure, try the one without JAVA first if you don't want such a big file and if it doesn't work you can either install JAVA or download the file with it included.
* I plan on putting the source code on GITHUB eventually if you're interested in how I made it or if you want to use it as a base for one of your projects. I do think the game has a lot of room for improvement, both coding wise and gameplay wise, but that is for the future.
* I apologize for the very bad implementation for adjusting your mouse sensitivity but it works for now. I'll house it in a more proper menu eventually I hope! #arcade #shooter #action #retro