
Comments (31)

What do you think?

Love the look of this game and the sound, not sure if I am playing it correctly... I included it in my GDC Jam compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look :)


Really love the visual effects and sound design, and had a lot of fun.

There were a few issues if I tried to fullscreen the game, but it's from the jam, so I'm sure you'll fix this :)

Other than that, it would definitely be good to give the player some kind of in-game tutorial - like others have said, the controls are a little difficult to pick up on, despite the mnemonic system.

Overall, enjoyed playing, and I'm following the game so you can update it after the jam and I can play some more!

Good luck in the jam - voting ends in just a few minutes, so I guess we'll see how well we've all done soon.

Its pretty fun, I liked it :D

Possible Exploit:
I'm not sure if anyone else experienced this, but I think I found an exploit in your game. The first time I played I maxed out speed at 10, and then I lost. Then I went back to the main menu and clicked on load orb. I thought the game had crashed because the screen froze (But now I realize it was just loading) so I alt tabbed and ended the process. Then I ran the game again and I clicked on the create new orb. However the speed was already at 10/10 and I had an extra 10 points to spend, which I put into health. Anyways, I purposefully crashed the game a second time, and now at the new orb screen I have -10 points with speed and health maxed out. Have a nice day :D

It's hard to keep track of everything, but the game has a solid gameplay. Also, the effects are sweet, good job!

Neat game. It's a bit tricky to play since there's so much to keep track of. I thought the object being lit up meant I could use it, but it seems that's not the case? Anyway, good job. Please check out my entry if you get a chance


Orby You

Version: 0.2.0about 9 years ago

That´s our game to Game Jolt GDC Jam. #gjgdcjam


Orby You.

What we want

We want to know what choiches you would do to protect yourserlf and survive in a dangerous environment.

Power Ups and Controls

Your Orb can have more than one power up at the same time. They are:

  • RedT - Left Arrow

  • BlueT - Right Arrow

  • Shield Ball - S Key

  • Hex Firer - Space

  • Absortion Cube - A Key

  • Repulse Disc - R Key

What which one do or don´t do? You can download and see it.

What you should expect

A lot of colors, neons, glows, explosion and adrenalin.

What we expect

You enjoy the game and if you like please vote on us to win this jam, we´ll always remember you as the best person in the world.

We are developing this as fast as we can...

Very soon we´ll post some new info.

Best regards,

Ludohood Studios

Music Background Licenses:


Beta Acess List is Open

We are happy to say that out beta acess is open.

You can enter here:

Thank you all.

Keyboard Controls

Don't be shy developers.

I know you can make games too but take a time to rate us and vote

More media files for you

More images from our game Orby Yoy avaiable on the media section

Music Add

All the background musica is already in game, please, download, game and vote on us