Comments (31)
Love the look of this game and the sound, not sure if I am playing it correctly... I included it in my GDC Jam compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/TscjeY-t-kM

Really love the visual effects and sound design, and had a lot of fun.
There were a few issues if I tried to fullscreen the game, but it's from the jam, so I'm sure you'll fix this :)
Other than that, it would definitely be good to give the player some kind of in-game tutorial - like others have said, the controls are a little difficult to pick up on, despite the mnemonic system.
Overall, enjoyed playing, and I'm following the game so you can update it after the jam and I can play some more!
Good luck in the jam - voting ends in just a few minutes, so I guess we'll see how well we've all done soon.
Its pretty fun, I liked it :D
Possible Exploit:
I'm not sure if anyone else experienced this, but I think I found an exploit in your game. The first time I played I maxed out speed at 10, and then I lost. Then I went back to the main menu and clicked on load orb. I thought the game had crashed because the screen froze (But now I realize it was just loading) so I alt tabbed and ended the process. Then I ran the game again and I clicked on the create new orb. However the speed was already at 10/10 and I had an extra 10 points to spend, which I put into health. Anyways, I purposefully crashed the game a second time, and now at the new orb screen I have -10 points with speed and health maxed out. Have a nice day :D
It's hard to keep track of everything, but the game has a solid gameplay. Also, the effects are sweet, good job!
Neat game. It's a bit tricky to play since there's so much to keep track of. I thought the object being lit up meant I could use it, but it seems that's not the case? Anyway, good job. Please check out my entry if you get a chance http://gamejolt.com/games/screen-shakers/124640
Orby You
Game Soundtrack
Anachronist - Oddities
That´s our game to Game Jolt GDC Jam. #gjgdcjam
BETA LIST: http://orbyyou.com/index-en.html
Orby You.
What we want
We want to know what choiches you would do to protect yourserlf and survive in a dangerous environment.
Power Ups and Controls
Your Orb can have more than one power up at the same time. They are:
RedT - Left Arrow
BlueT - Right Arrow
Shield Ball - S Key
Hex Firer - Space
Absortion Cube - A Key
Repulse Disc - R Key
What which one do or don´t do? You can download and see it.
What you should expect
A lot of colors, neons, glows, explosion and adrenalin.
What we expect
You enjoy the game and if you like please vote on us to win this jam, we´ll always remember you as the best person in the world.
We are developing this as fast as we can...
Very soon we´ll post some new info.
Best regards,
Music Background Licenses: http://1drv.ms/1od5sA5