
Comments (16)

What do you think?

please i want more pictures :), like a video about the avances :D

WHAT THE WHAT A GRAPHICS, now you will atrack more people

now its better look :) (jesus you should think im always here seeing your page XD)

Please put the best pictures in the top of the page, and that icon put it has a banner so you can make it more beautifull to other people :D

if you want any ideas then we can talk, i have a lot and i mean A LOT of ideas. i will give you a few now, you can make a good close combat sistem, not just hit "V" and kill them, no, i mean you can make a key for begin the close combat, and then you can make combos like, a punch to the head, then a knife to his chest, then you can pick his pistol and shoot another enemie. that will be a good combo :D, another thing, make classes, like the engineer, who can repair allies weapons and sabotage enemies explosives and ammo, will be good if you let than we can pick enemies and allies ammo and weapons, even you can use an enemie or a hurted allied as an human shield :D XD, another good thing will be make posible to take the clothes of an enemie, so you can disguise as an enemie but will be friendly fire so if you disguise be carefull so your allies dont kill u XD, we want dual weilding, and a life strengt sistem, i mean if u are dying then you can crawl a few steps if u dont get finished, even suicide whit a grenade, just like the real war :D, if you get injured in a part of the body then you will have a function afected, like if you have a shoot in the arm then you cannot dual weild and recharge a lot slowest, if you have a shoot in the leg then you will walk slower even you can begin crawling cause you cant walk, and if you get hurt in the head, then if it dont hit the helmet then you are dead XD, ok there is a couple of ideas, a last things, parkour, reallistic one, like climbing walls, and if trowh yourself to the ground and roll and things like that :D, anywai im giving mi support to this game i love it, and i want you to send me a really really early test of the game :D, so im your very first real fan :D dont forget me when your games come to the glory :D i want more news about this

Enlist in the British army during the first days of the Great War and fight against the German Empire and its allies. You'll have to prove your bravery and be welcomed back as a hero. Enlisting with your childhood friends, learn to become soldiers and be thrust into a history that no one could have imagined. Fight for your life and the lives of your friends.

Our Great War is a survival first person shooter where every action has consequences and the fighting is as real as possible. Learn to use the weapons of the time and make every shot count. There are no random weapon stashes, no health kits, no power ups. This is as real as it gets. Death is always just a misstep away. Can you survive until the end of the war?


Edward Dodd - Level / Game Design

James Moran - AI Programming

Mike Ziray - Programming, Modeling, Producer

Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed

Readjusting and remaking some of the mechanical animations for the Lee Enfield rifle. It's now more accurate.

More asset creation. This 1907 bayonet will be at the end of our Lee Enfield rifle but also around trenches and other areas.

Optimizing the first level so it can be played on slower computers but still enjoy the realism that's been put into this project. It's easy to be inefficient, so it's time to optimize.

Behind the scenes look at the first person modeling and animation. While the soldier won't be seen, hands and arms (and sometimes feet) will be. So we can cull out the body in first person-only model to make it more efficient.

We're still working on the Gewehr 1898 German rifle: adding more detail, UV unwrapping the mesh to apply texture via a texture painting app, then baking it all into the final game asset. Since this is so close to the camera, the quality needs to be high.