
Comments (6)

What do you think?

good physics

Hi Series Gaming can i get your permission to show this game on my youtube channel called (gun zekker hack) im just asking so i don´t get in trouble if you don´t want it?

This is my first WIP game made by Myself on my free time, ive scripted everything exept the Terrain, i had help by Unity for that. But im going to make it a Open World Game, heres a short story: July 16th, 3905, Earth is Abandoned by humans and robots have taken over, you play as a robot named Rob to do what no robot has done before, Parkour. Your job is to have fun and shred the skies, but dont get hurt because you will lose health.

Bugs -

the Jump button doesnt respond that well

when you jump off of an obsticle you hit the ground pretty fast



Coming Soon:

Health Bar


More Terrain

More Obsticles

More Fun

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