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#fangame #horror #rpg made with rpg maker vx ace.

if die, the end.


arrows keys move

z do stuff

x open menu/cancel


you were playing pokemon mystery dungeon but the game crashed...

so restarted and .exe appeared in logo.

i tried new game and saw a chamader. so speaked him and died...

then the game ends... then i turned off my ds and trowed it to trash


me for create the game.

??? for engine (dont know)

part2 coming soon!

Cartoon Violence

if you want to make part 4,5,6 and 7 with me, dm me.

also will plan on buying rpg maker vx ace (cuz if this dont work i refund)

i learned how to crash in rpg maker games. i use

to make the game crash in jumpscare part. the jumpscare aint as good but that for later.

full part2 is out! download (or install) now!

demo of part2 is out! check it out!

im going to relsase part 2 in date:2021 (2020 for demo)

so part 1 took me a long time to do this

so its gonna be very longer than i can do.

my vx ace trial suck much as heck write i do this.