
Comments (5)

What do you think?

Hey guys its jordan! best of luck!

Wow, cool game! 5/5

How do i open this to play it? i downloaded it and i cannot open the application.


Linux - LÖVE

Version: 0.9.1over 10 years ago

Patient Negative One

Version: 1.0.0over 10 years ago

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Chilly Bass Improv


You are patient negative one.

You've caused an overflow in the insane asylum.

The system is broken, but now you are led by the other souls that have tried to escape this hell hole. They seek to help you by showing you the way.

This escape puzzle game records every play-through, regardless of how fatal, and stores it on the cloud. Every round has the play-through of other players that have tried to escape before you.

For more, please visit


This game was made for the #indiesvspewdiepie game jam hosted on game jolt. This game was made in 48 hours of the alloted 72 hours.


## Seppi (@josefnpat )

Programmer, Music and Programmer Art

Tools: LÖVE, vim, tmux, git, gimp, audacity

## Joseph Braband ( jbraba at )

3D art assets and sketches

Tools: Photoshop, Maya


  • Watch where other players go, and where they fail. Knowing the way can be life or death.

  • If a trap is nearby, an exclamation mark will appear over your head.

  • Don't worry about dying. You'll get there at some point.

Easter Egg: Find the PewDiePie shrine.

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
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