Comments (2)
You asked for feedback on you game, and here is my thoughts about the game:
The game is clearly not near finish, and therefore is my feedback perhaps a bit tough.
The game idea is over fine, but what I have seen, there is not much to do.
The music is fine and it fits the game.
The graphics is okay, but it not super great. This can to some degree be a browser issue.
The fox's animation is overall fine, and the fox's mesh is simple and good. (I am sorry if it is not a fox)
The controls is overall good.
I wounder why the menu and UI are in English, but the story is told in another language.
It is in the browser impossible to see about a third of the screen.
I would have preferred a downloadable version of the game. For me the file size is too big for a browser game.
And please upload some screen shots, this can really help you to get more people to try your game.
PeeP and The curse of the Mal'Dakhar
the initial history of peep that our team developed was, peep is an orphan child that needs to discover what is happening with his neighbors and what is killing them.
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Mild Language