Comments (6)
preatty cool
I didn't say it was bad! I'm sorry if you percieved it that way
and I was just stating my opinion and I am so sorry if you took it personally.
Im sorry you didn't like it!, in my point of view it has nothing to do with 10 seconds tattoo. here you draw in pixels, you copy other gamers drawings, you can share your creations and share it with the rest of the world. As i said i never said it was a good game, but i dont think it has nothing to do with 10 second tattoo (here your time depends on the other creator size and complexity of the drawing) Sorry for my very bad english! not my first language
I meant, technically 10 second tatoo. Not the actual thing.
Isn't this 10 second tatoo? And you entered a jam based on originality?
Pixel Simulator
Try to draw the picture of your left
Beware of time
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