
Comments (12)

What do you think?

Please change html tag on unity.

This game is actually playable. It's just what it said, it's pong in 3D. Now add more maps, maybe some music, possibly achievments and then it would make even more fun! Possibly a selection to choose if you want to play against someone else (on the same computer) or against the AI.

First of all, please be indulgent it's my first game. This game is a Pong but in 3D. It's normal if there are a lot of bugs, just report it. Press "space" to restart when the game is over. Press "space" if the ball is blocked(There is cooldown !(5 sec)).

Versus mode :

  • Up (Player1) : z or w

  • Up (Player2) : UpArrow

  • Down (Player1) : s

  • Down (Player2) : DownArrow

Current Version : 0.3


Background (night2 from Free Sky Background on "") by BackGroundStore

Background Menu (by BackgroundStore)

Other texture made by me

Music and Sound :

  • From 8 bit Retro Rampage(Free Asset) by Red Button Audio : *
    LooseSound : "player_death_01"
    WinSound : "success_01"

From SoundCloud : BackGround Music :"Can't Stop won't stop"(0:00 to 1:15) by Adhesive Wombat
Link :

Background Menu music: "Broken Reality" by Kevin MacLeod

Made by me : Bounce sound

Enjoy it !




Youtube Channel

Version 0.4 : UI Update

Version 0.3 "Achievement and a lot of other things !"

Version 0.2 "GameJolt API Update !"

Version 0.14