
Comments (3)

What do you think?

Had a great time playing this as per usual! Your games have this really relaxing vibe about them and their design approach is phenomenal

nice and neat

Simple in its idea, this game is fascinating.

Push Boxes. Solve Puzzles. Repeat.


The echoes do as you have done before. If something blocks their path, you cannot continue. Plan ahead. Use them to your advantage.


WASD or Arrow Keys to move

Z to undo and R to reset

P to skip a level


Update #5 - Memory Leak Fix

Solution GIFs are now released!

A .zip containing solutions for each level has been released, so if you want to see how any levels are solved, feel free to take a look (or simply use P to skip)!

Update #3

Quick Update

A bug in which the player broke off of the grid when trying to move and undo simultaneously has been fixed. Additionally, levels are now counted as solved even when they are exited using escape.