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Hi all!

I've been working on this game since early september(maybe even earlier but I can't find my first build :p) and I've finally come to a stage where I feel like I've got something to show. Before you read any further I think it's important to note that I don't know when(if ever) this game is going to be released and that I can't promise that I'll be posting updates frequently.


You play as an unnamed astronaut, trapped in a dimension full of castles and monsters. The gameplay consists of you trying to kill all of the monsters on a stage and reach the exit before the timer runs out. Time will hovever be added every time you score a kill or pickup a time-extending powerup.

The game is built using the LÖVE2D framework and as a result I'm using a homemade leveleditor and besides from some nifty libraries all of the coding has been done from scratch. The game started out as a simple clone of one of my previous games CyberFrame but with some basic shooting mechanics and a couple of simple animations. Since a walking animation was one of the first animations to be properly implemented, the game got its working title, Project mobility.

That looked like it hurt...


It should be mentioned that the game uses some over the top gore. Gibs bounce of walls and floors, blood sticks to the walls and slowly drops down from ceilings, it's impactful and morbidly satisfying, but it needs to be in good taste, I don't want players to feel sick or be moraly questioned by it. I have added the option to turn off gib and blood collisions although this is mostly because of performance reasons.

The bad guys so far


Currently there are five enemies present in the game: Vampires, Skulls, Guys with a big eye for a head(lets just call them Eyes for now), Small wraiths and Big wraiths. I want every single enemy to fill a slightly different role and to have varying strenghts and weaknesess. Vampires are powerful but have trouble looking up and down and will only really be a threat if the player is on the same level as them. Skulls are relentless and fire directly on the players position no matter the distance, however they are unable to move and therefore easy to avoid. Eyes can fire in any direction but only when the player gets close, they also get a speed boost when this happens. Wraiths fly eradicly and are difficult to spot agianst the dark background, the bigger variant is easier to hit and can be stunlocked if damaged repeatedly. Wraiths are also the only enemy-type who can travel from one screen to another.

A bit about the levels


I don't plan on having these levels(the ones shown in the screenshots) in the final game, most of them were created mostly just so that I could get a feel for how the levels should look and play. As I mentioned earlier I'm using my own leveleditor(actually its a modified version of the one I used in CyberFrame) and as a result is a bit clunky and hard to use. The levels are also pretty small because of performance reasons that limit their size to three or four screens. I don't really know why I'm telling you all of this.

Intense Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Elevators, speed boosts and a new enemy