
Comments (26)

What do you think?

aww, whats the matter sonic? YOU CANT CATCH ME? HAHAHA

That was good introduction

this is is my honest opinion

i know that the game is inspired a little by blood scream and this is really easy to notice from the prologue but to be honest....this game is 100/10 it's really one of the best exe games the unique ideas the bosses the level design the chapters long the story the exe everything is perfect i like scrap brain level design and i liked how that sonic when he chase you he chase you like he is the exe from disaster 2d remake he chase you a logic chase and this is awesome and the bosses was so great espicially the exe it was long and it have unique moves also the cutscenes was really perfect animated and it have really a plot twists like when you defeat the exe he just let knuckles in the stage but knuckles has a ring to teleport also i liked that the ring it's inspired by the movie also in the tails chapter even if it was just the half but it's good that you add a special move also his cutscene was unique and awesome you need to write run away and it was so scary and metal sonic boss was good i am really can't wait for the complete story . really really it was a perfect game thank you so much i was really hope that one day a exe game with unique gameplay and story will come not like the hacking trend and death scenes and this boring stuff keep it up bro i hope you will never cancel it YOU ARE AWESOME also i have a question is the game will have several endings like best bad worst or solo duo trio or non of this? anyways thank you bro for this game

That's my agony after knucles is being dumb for the 37842464861th time and gets noticed

spoooooky page O:


Dr. Eggman recently made a new discovery, the PHANTOM RUBY. It is one of the most powerful energy sources on Mobius, while it hides an incredible amount of power, too much for a mortal to control. Eggman's experiment on the phantom energy failed, causing it to break free and possess Sonic. After the Sky Fortress exploded and everyone got saperated, Sonic began to loose his mind and get used to his newfound powers. Will Sonic's friends manage to save him from the corruption? Will they prevent the ultimate chaos from spreading?

This game is supposed to be the "origins" of my first game called: "A Fox's Story", which is an alternative (bad) and non-canon version of this game.

Thanks to:

@szu23 for testing the game!

Credits for the music and assets will be given during the full game release in a text file.

Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed

First demo has just been released! You can download it now!

The demo includes 2 and a half chapters.

You can use the numbers 0,1,2 to swap routes (0= Sonic, 1=Knuckles, 2=Tails). This works only on the chapter select screens!

2 lies & 1 truth:

1. One of the heroes will betray/abandon the rest.

2. There will be a plot twist no one was expecting.

3. An unfortunate event will ruin the heroes' plan.

  33 votes 8 days left

*Casually updates the game title & creates a new thumbnail*

"The Corruption" was a too general and overused title, so I decided to change it to "Phantom Corruption", which is also more straight to the topic.


Since some people already liked the game, then I decided why not improve it?

Before continuing with the new stages, first, I want to improve the existing ones.

Here is a minor example of me learning to use the easing object for smoother movement!

Future plans about the game in general: