Comments (110)
Got the bug where I filled in the shape, yet did not complete the level. Was quite a bummer because it took me aaaages to get the shape right. Other than that, a great game. :)
Always love a great puzzle game. This is a nice twist on the genre. An undo button would be fantastic!
Great and unique puzzle game!
I think it's best to just show the goal shape from the first place so player would know what shape he/she should try to make
The real problem this game has is its bugs, I've discovered 2 bugs:
If player shoot a pixel offscreen, player can't undo it with R button (lost pixel is gone for good). IOW player is forced to retry
Completing a shape isn't always accepted by game forcing player to retry the game
I hope these bugs will be fixed someday :)
It's cool, but I found a glitch where I completed the Goblet one but it didn't recognize it as done so I can't progress.
It seems like an easy beginning but do not be fooled. This game gets hard very fast...or maybe my brain was just fried because it was wayyy to late to be recording (especially a puzzle game).
Game Soundtrack
Puxxel 2 - Patrick Moriarty
Current Version: 1.1.1
Warning: With the new update, you will need to reset your data.
Puxxel is a game about pixels and puzzles and rotations and more pixels. The goal is to recreate the image by firing pixels and rotating the game space. There are a total of fifteen puzzles to complete, five in each category (easy, medium, hard). Additionally, each puzzles has a time challenge, where the objective is to beat the designated time. There are a total of nineteen trophies to achieve, some easy and others relatively difficult.
AD — Left/Right
W — Fire Pixel
QE/JK — Rotate Counter-clockwise/clockwise
S/H — Show image hint
R/U — Undo
Shift — Pause Menu
Game designed & developed by BitZero (@BitZero )
Music composed by Patrick Moriarty (pataroose.tumblr.com)
Version 1.1.1
Fixed a problem where undoing did not actually undo.
Added undoing pixels that fly off screen.
Fixed the trophy images.
Changed data saving format.
Compressed audio files so the executable isn't bloated.
Other small changes.
Version 1.1
Added Undo function (R and U). Undos cause a time penalty, which increases exponentially.
Alternate right-hand controls (JK for rotating, H for image hint, U for undo). Previous controls remain.
HTML5: Data is saved using GameJolt's datastorage system now. Ensure you are logged in when the game starts to not write over previous data.
Moved About/Controls to the main menu so people can see it.
Small changes under the hood.
The concept behind Puxxel was originally designed back in May for the lowrez jam; however, I had virtually zero free time during the month so I wasn't able to complete it in time. That said, I didn't want to abandon the game as I liked the game concept, so I spent the last half of June and all of July to finish up development of the game. This is also my first dive into HTML5 development (although simplified by GameMaker: Studio), so the HTML5 version of the game may be somewhat unstable. If you're having problems with it, the windows executable should work fine.