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Quiz of Five 3: 28Ï€
Game Soundtrack
08 - Transept
Update v1.1.0
Add a new feature - Misc Pics (You don't have to replay the quiz to unlock them!)
Hardcore Bombs Problem
Some questions were made skippable/unskippable.
Music updated!
If your framerate falls below 40 FPS, chances are... you might be facing gameplay problems.
Note: Some questions might be cringeworthy and offensive, please do not take them seriously.
The third installation (psychological torture) to Quiz of Five is here...
This time you are not in the Earth... you found a book about
The Swinish Guide to the Galaxy
But what's this, the Evil Pigs from the previous game? It's time to learn the truth about it... are they evil... why did they attack you... in the first place? Find out in the game... if you dare... that is...
Dive into an adventure in this universe... then get the key to unlock the secret of the 4 pigs! 139 questions never ends!
Keys | Actions
Mouse | Move Cursor
Brain | Increase chance of completing a question
Back-to-back RATS!!! (Rage, Agony, Torture, Stupidity!!!)
139 Questions!! (16 MORE QUESTIONS!!!)
8 Strikes (9 Lives)
New Powerup! (Water Pig's Tears)
Hardcore Bombs!
Sudden Death Questions!
Commentary! (After beating the game)
Thanks to Nickisawsome74 for Beta-Testing Questions 1 to 47!
Also... thanks to CoolGuyIsMe * TheRetardedTeenager for playing this game and discover that awful bug at Question 83-84!
Animated Bloodshed
Comical Shenanigans