Comments (114)
Undertale Genocide Papyrus Fight
so cool

Undertale: Bury The Hatchet is a remastered version of @HeartedTroJJ's Undertale: The Alternative Ending. This version has tweaks to the story, better coding, better loop holes, etc.
[This was Previously Named, Undertale Genocide Papyrus UNOFFICIAL, Still Credits to TheDiceMan for This Idea, Which is also i changed from it to Alternative Ending Remastered which still stands in it but with better name]
We do not own this AT @HeartedTroJJ does, We are just remaking it.
Many resets went by and Sans got sick of it. So he decided to kill the human at the start of Snowdin Forest. But something strange happened...
@TDSans-2 - Idea, Writer, Remastered Owner
@Short_Monqey - Coder.
@Suddensans - Spriter
??? - Spriter
@coaxae - Musician
??? - Musician
Q: What's gonna be Changed?
A: The Graphics, like Movement was crappy, Battle Crappy, Story kind of crappy.
Its all gonna be Remastered.
Q: Is it gonna be continued?
A:Yeah, I want to finish TROJJ's work, Anything he putted hard work for.
Q: Engine?
A: @TML233 Undertale In Gamemaker.
Q: May I help?
A: Sure, Hit me on game jolt. and we will Consider it.
Q: FDY Mode?
A: Learn when you need Fangame to be Fair and not HARD.
Q:Where's Download Button
A: Where is my Lolipop, Where is School? Where is my cookie
here's my answer: NOWHERE, now shut, cuz the game will be taken for while!

Engine by @TML233
The Alternative Ending [AT] by @HeartedTroJJ
Remastered Version/Bury The Hatchet by @TDSans-2
#Undertale #Undertaleau #Undertalefangame #Sans #Papyrus #Frisk #Chara #TML #Gamemakerstudio #fangame #textadventure #action #gaming #survival #adventure