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Welcome To RetroSaurus Rex!!!

Join RetroSaurus on an adventure guarenteed to take you back to the good 'ol days of the 8 bit treasures.

The game is still under development and I will keep you updated.

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Drug Reference
Comical Shenanigans
Simulated Gambling

Halt In Progress.

News And Apologies

Sorry To Keep You All Waiting. It’s been a whole while since my last news update but here it is.

So far lvl 1-6 is finsihed and two more is to be built until the demo is done. Check out the new screenshots and hit dat follow button.

Halfway To HalfPoint


Great News!!!

RetroSaurus is making a lot of progress. The town has been built but not polished yet. Level 1 and Level 2 is now live!

Hit That Follow Button!

Dialogue System Finished!!!