
RetroEx Reeduuuuuux!
So you want to play a game, huh? Well, here's a game. It's like Pong. But this ain't yo grandma's Pong, this is Pong with fun! And magic! And awesomeness! This is Pong with the ball randomly speeding up, or slowing down, and your paddle getting tossed around, and Nyan Cat! Anything that'll help you beat your opponent dry! (Unless you're playing multiplayer, in which case, don't beat them up, that would probably be illegal.)
Technically a remake of the old version of RetroEx, although frankly that was really sort of a completely different idea, but eh!
Pnod - Everything. There is no other credit. I made absolutely everything. Except the background music, which is Special Spotlight by Kevin MacLeod, of course. Also the Nyan Cat sprites, which I nefariously stole from Asky-And-Friends on Deviantart, obviously. Also also there's a sound effect I stole from FNaF World, and frankly I have no idea who to credit for that.
Software used: Clickteam Fusion 2.5, Photoshop CS2, FL Studio, Audacity.
#retro #action #arcade #multiplayer #altgame #pong #70s #aesthetic #other