
Comments (12)

What do you think?

I finished the game and I got the bronze medal. But I did not get the trophy :(

Sreenshot -

not to shabby

Great game! The physics are good and the music is about the same rating. I've never seen this style of game-works before, but I love it! Keep up the good work man!

Really good game, I'm terrible at it, but fun all the same.

Not really; in my opinion, good enough already!

Game Soundtrack

2 songs

Freaking Viking - RoccoW

Prepare for liftoff!

A real physics calculations based game featuring:

  • a series of strange planetary systems

  • quantum fuel

  • a several thousand ton weighing rocket!

This game is a full on WIP, so feel free to suggest new features or level designs, and I'll make sure to read them!


LukeSharples (

Juskiddink (

Erokia (

RoccoW (

FlashPunk (

Cjke (

And special thanks to my friends and family, who put up with playing the game over and over and suggesting levels and features!


Rocket Launch Mobile!

Oh no.

I totally screwed up the distribution. Again.

Removed Level4

Had lots of reports that it was simply too hard. Maybe it’s better off like this.

Bug Fix #3


Fixed a bug which prevented Level 5 from working properly.