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Scary Game (with ghosts)

Version: 1.0.2almost 4 years ago

Scary Game (with ghosts) (post jam)

Version: 1.1.0almost 4 years ago


Version: 0.1.0almost 4 years ago
Requires python and pygame to run (only tested on pygame 2 but should most likely work on pygame 1)

Game Soundtrack

3 songs

Spooky game(With ghosts) is a race against the clock, and spooky ghosts.

The player explored ancient ruins, aided by their Curse and Loot sensors(Patent pending, please no stealarino my inventionrino), in a desperate bid against time to grab as much loot as possible, before time runs out and they must exit.

Throughout the ruins, the player will find chests, and can dig up buried treasure, aided of course by their fancy shmancy loot sensor. However, one must be wary of Curses, an ancient magic cast by bitter misers, who wish to hold onto their fortunes, even from beyond the grave. And who can forget the footnote of our title, Ghosts. These scary fellows will chase the player until they claim their soul, or are evaded, and the player escapes. I wish you luck, explorer.

I廷蛠谭 廷蜖胎w挞台蜆i挞谈谈s虥蛷蜑h獭蛝檀 虝谭虥y檀蛷台o檀蛷檀u檀蜏檀 谭蛷苔l抬蜆蛝u虥覊蛷台痰c汀覊潭蜆汀k虝台痰,蜑覊蜑蜆抬 抬蜑虡e虥抬蛷x汀挞汀p覊汀虥蛝l蜐獭虡o挞蜑蜖r蛷虝虝e蜐抬蛷r獭蜖蜆.覊廷谈蛨


WASD: Movement

E: Interact(Chests)

Space: Dig for treasure!

Made for Alakajam 11

Programming: Baconinvader

Music: MrHarryJohnson (

Graphics: Stanley9990

#horror #ghosts

Mild Fantasy Violence
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