
Comments (3)

What do you think?

I wasnt quite sure how this game worked, but I played it a bit. I included it in part 9 of my Lowrez Jam compilation video series, if you'd like to take a look :)

Nice ! :D


Shadow Maze

Version: 1.0.0almost 11 years ago

Game is for: #lowrezjam

This is a game where you have to move in the shadows to find your way out the maze, be careful because one wrong move and your back where you started and one life down, if you lose all 3 of your lives that round then you will lose a point from your score. However if you complete the round by finding and hitting the exit point (blue pixel) it will increase your score by one and start a new round.

Each round the exit is randomly spawned; this means that ever map can be played over and over. Although after three successful attempts on a map will make the game randomly choose a new map so that player doesnโ€™t become bored too quickly.

In this game you will need to remember the routes you have seen ahead of you, count your steps, and watch your moves in order to survive.


Shadow Maze Release!

Custom Maps!!

How it works?

LowRezJam Progress