50 years ago, the evil magician known as Malice appeared and within days blighted the land and corrupted it's people. Seeking greater power, he discovered the half-genie known as Shera who's power was pure and sent his 40 Thieves to steal her away so to absorb her power. Shera's son, Sarzha, is the only one left who is unaffected by Malice's blight. Armed with only a ring that staves off death, Sarzha marches into Malice's stronghold alone to save his mother - but time is not on his side. Malice's ritual to absorb Shera is nearly complete, and unless Sarzha can reach her in time she will be lost - and Malice will rule the land, forever. #platformer #arcade #retro #nes #nesdev #emulation #nintendo
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
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