
Comments (1)

What do you think?

Here's a little review for anyone interested in the game or the developer themself. This game has really good promotional art, that banner is amazing and actually had me really interested. That interest did not go to waste. For graphics nothing is bad and I actually appreciate the character having a smooth float animation, it's a great touch. I wish there was more background options or variation, but that's a personal tangent. For sound there was no music, which usually is a red flag for me, but here there was enough atmosphere to make it seem alright. I do feel however it would do better with music, just more quiet and slow music than normal. The gameplay was interesting, I swear I've seen games do this before but I forget any off the top of my head. A solid one-level obstacle course method of doing things, slowly introducing more challenge, then when all challenge with what it has is exhausted it moves to a new mechanic. This is a good example or level pacing if I've seen one. a little repetitive, but a nice small time-killer. 7/10, also to the dev specifically, there is a weird bug with round pieces, apart from the giant circle, whenever there is a round piece there is no collision on it, and in one of the early levels I used that to cheat past some obstacles, so that might need some checking.



Version: 0.1.0over 8 years ago

Singularities is a challenging, 2D, Aerial Platformer. You must help plucky test droid number 3 navigate a deadly series of chambers, flinging him around obstacles with the miraculous gravity point technology.

Key Features
A Bright, clean style with futuristic and sci-fi themes
Challenging gameplay
Test your reflexes and control

Release date: 21/06/2016
Platform: Windows OSX
Price: free!

Personal Bio
Student at Media Design School, artist and amateur game developer. Singularities is my first finished game.

Mild Fantasy Violence
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