Comments (47)
This game is really cool, but many levels (SKY HIGH & BRIDGE) are very unfair ! Jungle Zone is too short (i can clear this level in 6 Sec. !), but i know it's just a preview...
I love Green Hills Zone Level and Theme ! I hope to see Aqua Lake Zone !
You can also added new tracks in the Soundtrack (Gigapolis / Bridge / Jungle ...)
PS : Sorry for my bad English :)
Чёрт, мне нравится это!!! -
so I had to do a lot to set this up because it was in .rar, but its great!!

Sonic Generations: The Lost Zones
Game Soundtrack
Green Hill Zone
Sonic Generations: The Lost Zones is a 30th anniversary tribute to Sonic the Hedgehog. It is a 2D Platform game being designed to play similar to the 8bit entries in the Sonic franchise.
Status: Incomplete
#platformer #fangame #sonic #sega #action #wonderboy #crossover
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence