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Collect items and fight enemies from around the world!

StreetView Sorcerer is a game taking place within the bounds of Google's algorythmic logic
You will be sent to a random location on the globe with a duty to save the world from perilous danger

Essentially I have used Javascript combined with Dai Williams' brilliant image search API Pixplorer with Google Street View API To create an RPG that takes place in the real world.

Enemies and items are procedurally generated by cross referencing the player's location with an image search, paired with certain keywords such as "person", "wildlife", "weapon", "hand weapon", "food", ect. The idea is to navigate the globe, collecting international artifacts and items and seeing how far you can get.

The game is a bit of an experiment in pushing the boundaries of Google's technologies, and is in the early stages of development. If anyone has some suggestions as to the direction they would like to see this take, please contact me!

Mild Fantasy Violence
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