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us = Super Mario Rewlands: it is a fangame of the Mario Bros. Our Heroes saga; Together with a few friends, they had planned to spend a nice vacation, but something unexpected happens, and ... They fall from the plane! They end up in another kingdom, in which they must complete another adventure to return home.

es = Super Mario Rewlands: es un fangame de la saga Mario Bros. Nustros Heroes; junto a unos cuantos amigos, tenían planeado pasar unas lindas vacaciones, pero algo inesperado pasa, y... ¡Caen del avión! terminan en otro reino, en el cual deberan completar otra aventura para volver a casa. #platformer #other #fangame #adventure

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans
Simulated Gambling
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