
Comments (32)

What do you think? took characters and stages from other creators, put all togheter and release here as "your" game? Brilliant. But no.

Thanks for the Awesome game!!

Hi, regarding one of the comments I can tell there is some coding involved by EndMyInitials so this is not a standard Mugen slap together, add your character game. The compiler disclaimed he did not create the characters or stages or music, that he just put it together (if it was already created it would not be a Mugen game, it would be a Capcom game ~ it's the X-Men COTA system moded). Fantastic job, I enjoy the super jumps with easier juggles (floating), 3 specials per the super bar, X-Men / Avengers / Spider-Man character selection (A vs X anyone?) and the fight layout which is about 6-8 regular characters then 3 or 4 bosses as you progress and an end "you beat the game" after beating the final boss. There are a few bugs (very difficult characters out of the blue) but that's a minor versus having the chance to play some amazing sprites and I admire all of the programmers and designers- there is an INCREDIBLE amount of hard work that went into each character and stage designs' look and feel including fight interaction...distance between hits, air juggles, specials like Thor's rainfall and Iceman's blizzard that actually change / overlay the stages and affect the opponents as well as the terrific background music. I am partial to Jubilee (amazing animation that really could have been in the game), Thor (excellent voice over, great ideas for throwing lightning and hammer) and there are so many more I could not comment without a long dissertation. It's truly awesome ~ I'm one of those guys that hung out at the arcades in the 90's playing fighting games like Mortal Kombat and all the Vs Capcom fighting games. I just wish there were an arcade to fight against friends and new challengers ~ this new generation will never realize what a gathering an arcade was, in person, placing your coin on the machine to wait your turn against 10 other fighters, it was a rush! Now you can sit on the toilet and play in an MMORPG (not the same thing by any means LOL!) Thank you for assembling this indie gem! I'm enjoying it immensely!^_^

2 things

1 how do i get to play as the bosses


the most important part


How do i play as the bosses?


Super X-Men Children of the Atom 1.4

Version: 0.1.0about 8 years ago

This is a Mugen Fighting game. I did not make any of the characters, stages, or music; I was only responsible for putting the game together.


40+ characters from the X-Men universe ranging from wolverine, deadpool, the brotherhood, and much more..

20+ stages with music

Arcade mode with bosses

ENJOY! I will porbbaly update it in the future.

Credit goes out to creators who spend hours in making the characters, and stages:

Loganir -
Zvitor -
Mugen Infinity Team
The Mugen Multiverse aa250, ALEXZIQ,Arkady, Gemini Guy (Original Author SOS1 bros)
And anyone else I forgot to mention, thank you all for your hard work :)

Mild Fantasy Violence

Update 1.4

Add more characters in addition to Akuma. I also removed the Phoenix.