Comments (3)
I may be excited for the game, but I'm more excited to see what this writer @Sekinin can do... good luck, my friend, and I can't wait to see what genius you write up for good ol sans here!
disbelief + underswap is distrust not swapdisbelief :nerd:

is this canon???
@Cupcake_Bruh_3000 - owner, coder
@Ineedmoretime - artist, Hatsune Miku
STAMPY - cool artist
@Sekinin - funny writer
@MegaloDapper - cool musician
@Krajoz - cool musician
#rpg #platformer #retro #dusttrust #disbelief #puzzle #shooter #undertale #fangame #distrust #murderer_path #underswap #dustswap #thanatos #2 #1 #3